Choosing a private school is a big decision. Your child will spend there a number of years and you will be spending money on tuition, books and fees. More importantly which private school your child attends, can help to shape the rest of your child's life. What do you need to consider when evaluating a school? One of the most important things to evaluate when considering a private school is academics. What is the school's focus? Look at the school curriculum to see how the private school presents core subjects such as math, reading and writing. Does the school offer a language program such as an immersion program? Does it emphasize the arts? If you are looking at private high school, does it offer Advanced Placement (AP) courses? If the school emphasizes the arts, will your child have a chance to present their talent in forum that will allow growth? What is the school's homework policy? How often are textbooks and classroom materials updated? How are students graded?
At Seneca Academy we offer different types of curriculum according to the grade. Our curriculum is guided by The Creative Curriculum for Preschool by Dodge, Colker and Heroman as well as by The Active Learning Series by Cryer, Harms, and Ray. At Seneca Academy preschool, each child experiences a supportive and nurturing environment that provides ample time for guided exploration.
For More Information Contact Us Now! Our Contact Details…..
Seneca Academy (
15601 Germantown Road Darnestown, Maryland 20874
Phone: (301) 869-3728
Fax: (301) 869-3348