Townsville Gardening & Property Maintenance - Townsville - Home repair services, maintenance services, Townsville - 504424


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Townsville Gardening & Property Maintenance - Home repair services, maintenance services

Ref. number: 504424 Updated: 04-03-2011 14:13

Offering: Home repair services, maintenance services in Australia, Townsville

Micks Maintenance & Mowing is located in Townsville, Qld. We are local family company that provides a high quality lawn mowing / garden care, as well as a professional and competitive home maintenance repair service.Understanding the needs of our local community allows us to assist them with all their needs, and at a fair price. Micks Maintenance & Mowing offer a seniors discount and are committed to going the extra mile for all our customers.Our Home maintenance and garden and lawn service is provided to residential and commercial customers, we specialize in real estate rentals and are currently working with 4 local Agencies and Child Care Centres. We look forward to meeting new customers and welcome any inquiries and feedback.Handyman? Lawns mowed? Rubbish removal and more available for your home! Call Now! 0405 391 464. Bookings essential...fair prices for pensioners.

Contact information
First name: Micheal
Last name: Pollack
Phone number: 0405391464
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